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Hello everyone, we just got our Netbrain setup with API access to Meraki and Velocloud via a proxy server. I was wondering if there was a repository for parser files for API calls outside of the built in parser files.  The parser file setup for API is a bit different than the other types of parser files and I am looking for more examples. 

Also, if there is a repository parser files to avoid the re-inventing the wheel scenario that would be great. 

Hello there! Hope you are doing well. Are there any specific examples or use cases that you are looking for? Depending on what is it that you are trying to accomplish, we could provide some examples yo get you started.


Let me know!


Thank you. I am looking more towards API parsers.  I am not sure the backend data that is pulled. So, I  am trying to get a better understanding of where I get the possible param variables for Meraki and Velocloud devices. I have been using postman to get the results.  BuildParameters / GetDeviceProperties/ etc. 

I was reading the : 

but the examples + the training videos are a bit limited. So an example for  :List the Networks in an Organization  for Meraki - fthis is example data] I want to pull something like what we see below, but not sure how. 


  "id": "L_123456",

  "organizationId": "2930418",

  "name": "Long Island Office",

  "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",

  "tags": o




  "productTypes": 2





  "enrollmentString": "long-island-office"



