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On NetBrain-REST-API-R11/REST APIs Documentation/Path Management/Calculate Path at main · NetBrainAPI/NetBrain-REST-API-R11 · GitHub, there is a section on the Request body(*required) table indicating advanced options as an object. How do we instantiate this advanced object and use its methods?

advanced object advance setting.
advanced.debugMode bool The debug mode of trigger API.
advanced.calcWhenDeniedByACL bool Whether to keep calculate when the process been denied by ACL.
advanced.calcWhenDeniedByPolicy bool Whether to keep calculate when the process been denied by policy.
advanced.calcL3ActivePath bool Whether to calculate L3 active path.
advanced.useCommandsWithArguments bool Whether to use the commands with arguments inside.
advanced.enablePathFixup bool Whether to enable the path fixup feature.


Also, how do we save on the front gui any path calculations we have created using the API? TIA

The Advanced Options object mentioned in the *Request body (required) table of the NetBrain Calculate Path API typically represents additional configurations you can specify when making an API call. This object needs to be structured in a specific format (e.g., JSON) based on the documentation's requirements.

Define the Object in JSON: Construct the advanced object as part of the API's request payload. Here’s an example structure based on a hypothetical configuration:

    "advanced": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2",
        "key3": "value3"

Include the Object in the Request Body: Integrate the advanced object into the request payload when calling the API. Below is an example of how to include it in the full payload:

    "source": "DeviceA",
    "destination": "DeviceB",
    "advanced": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2",
        "key3": "value3"

We can not save the path calculated using API
