Where is the best place to get support for API related questions? The API is maintained on GitHub, which has its own built in issue tracker. Our support contract gives me access to the support portal where I can open tickets. The Exchange gives me access to the Netbrain community.
Which is the “best” place to get support for API issues? Specifically, when I send an authenticated request to the CMDB/Users API endpoint and I provide the authentication server, username, tenant, and domain parameters, I get back just basic user information for the given user. If I don’t specify anything except the admin account name I get back a lot more data. I’m assuming by not specifying tenant and domain, the API is pulling data at the system level for the username instead of the domain level. For user tracking and auditing, I need to be able to get back the detailed data for domain users as well as system level users.
Sample of what I get back for domain users with external authentication:
'username': 'USER1',
'email': 'USER1@MyCompany.com',
'firstName': 'MyName',
'lastName': 'GivenNaem',
'allowChangePassword': False,
'lastUpdateTime': '2021-08-31T13:31:04.614Z'
What I’m getting from a system level account:
'username': 'ADMINUSER',
'email': 'ADMINUSER@MyCompany.com',
'firstName': 'ADMIN',
'lastName': 'USER',
'description': 'description',
'allowChangePassword': True,
'isSystemAdmin': True,
'isUserManager': True,
'isSystemManager': True,
'TenantAndRole': n{
'tenantId': '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111',
'isAdmin': True,
'domains': {
'id': '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111112',
'roles': ''Domain Admin', 'Domain User']
'canAddDomain': True