I am new to Netbrain and I am trying to add the device to the Netbrain through the API call. What would be the correct API call that I need to perform to add a device to netbrain.
API call to add devices to a domain
as far as I know, there is no single API to add devices to NetBrain. Devices are added through discovery. To get there is a little complex. You need to create a Discovery Task in NB, connect to NB, authenticate and select your domain, add devices to the task and run the task.
Create a Discovery Benchmark
Make sure to select API Triggered Discovery
These are the APIs to use, they all provide example code:
Authentication and Authorization API
Select Domain
Add Device to previously configured discovery benchmark
Discovery API Design
Discovery API Design
For cleanup, remove the list fo IPs from the discovery taskhttps://github.com/NetBrainAPI/NetBrain-REST-API-R11/blob/main/REST%20APIs%20Documentation/Discovery%20Task%20Management/Delete%20Seed%20IPs%20to%20Discovery%20Task%20API.md
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