Hackathon Challenge November 2023 Posted

  • 6 November 2023
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Userlevel 2

This Month’s Challenge in the 4 categories below 

  1. Map & Design Automation: Build automation to help us decode and baseline our OSPF design. 
  2. Auto-Diagnosis Automation: A mission-critical application, represented by path (→, is reported slow from time to time. Please build automation to troubleshoot the issue. 
  3. Network Assessment Automation: Users have reported intermittent network issues in the data center, and you are tasked to build automation to assess L2 stability across the network. 
  4. Safe Change Automation: A network change as designed is proposed over the weekend to disable an unsafe connectivity between enterprise and production domain. You are tasked to build automation to 1) verify the proposed design goal 2) Check the impacts by change, 3) Automate mandatory check for all changes. 

How to Access 

  • Access to our Hackathon environment: https://hackathon.netbrain.com/ 
  • Your login information was sent through an email with subject: ‘You Are Now Registered for NetBrain’s Network Automation Hackathon!’ Please remember to use Office365 SSO on the login page. 
  • If you have trouble logging in, please contact us at hackathon@netbrain.com and we will be happy to help you. 

Reference Material

To help everyone get started NetBrain has provided the following files for download to get your started in your hackathon challenges: 

  • NetBrain Hackathon Challenges November 2023- this file contains all the information required to get started with the challenges and fills in the details required to get started (Device Maps, Important IP addresses, Critical Links, etc.) 

  • Hack100-Hints– A file of hints created by our automation experts if you find yourself particularly challenged when implementing a solution. 

  • Hackathon Lab Network Topology– No two networks are alike, and neither is ours! This file gives you insight to site maps, the subnets for each of the respective challenge locations, all implemented protocols, and complete device list. 

        These files will be available for the entire duration of the hackathon from within the NetBrain Hackathon environment in Files > Public > November Challenge 

Submission Process

To start submission, download the file Hack100 Answer Submittal Sheet from here or you can access it through the November Challenge directory within the NetBrain Hackathon environment. Each problem section will have a specific screenshot that needs to be provided for successful submission. Additionally, there will be some objective questions that again you need to fill in your respective answer sheets. Once completed you can log onto https://www.office.com/ using your netbrainlab.com account to upload your answer sheet through SUBMIT YOUR SOLUTION form!


Support Resources:


Good luck all participants! 

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